Our Past Events

ESCC event with Lieutenant Colonel Joakim Paasikivi
We had the unique opportunity to meet and listen to Mr. Joakim Paasikivi.
“Russia’s challenge of the security order” – Russia wants to regain its imperial might and change the post-WWII security order to its own advantage. The first step was aimed to consolidate the imagined Russian “Spiritual Trinity” of Great Russia (centred around Moscow), White Russia (Belarus) and “Little Russia” (Ukraine) which constitutes “Russia” as opposed to the Russian Federation. The rest was to come, and still is, unless we support Ukraine until victory. The impact on the world at large will also be touched upon.
Thank you to everyone who attended; we hope you had a great experience!
September 5th 2024

Summer Reception
We had a joyful end of season reception at the Embassy of Estonia. Honorary Consuls joined the gathering together with Friends to Estonia to say fairwell to Deputy Head of Mission Mr. Mikael Laidre and the Head of Ecomic Affairs Ms. Janne Kendla. Good luck on your next challenges!
We wish all our members a nice summer and we look forward to meet you again after the holidays!
June 13th 2024

ESCC Christmas Event at the Estonian Embassy
The annual Christmas reception, held in collaboration with the Estonian Embassy and the Sweden-Estonia Cooperation Fund, brought together guests to celebrate the close of the year and reflect on the accomplishments of the past months.
A highlight of the evening was the presence of the special guest, Mrs. Piret Mürk-Dubout, a Board Member of the Tallink Group and CEO of Tallink Silja AB. Known for her extensive experience in Sweden and Estonia, Mrs. Mürk-Dubout shared insights from her career, including her role as CEO of Tallinn Airport before joining the Tallink Group in 2019.
December 5th 2024

The EUs internal market – challenges and opportunities for Sweden and Estonia
The ESCC was delighted to host a business event featuring Mr. Christofer Berg. He is Director at the National Board of Trade Sweden, the Swedish government agency responsible for international trade, the EU internal market, and trade policy. Mr. Berg previously served in the Swedish parliament and held positions within EU institutions in Brussels.
November 27th 2024

Plantation Rum Tasting
We held an interesting Plantation Rum tasting, guided by cask manager Anton. The tasting showcased 6 different single cask rums.
We thank those who attended and hope you enjoyed the experience.
May 15th 2024
ESCC Annual Meeting 2024
The Annual Meeting of the Estonian Swedish Chamber of Commerce for the year 2024 was held at the Estonian House, Wallingatan 32. We extend our gratitude to the 15 members who attended the meeting, we appreciate your active participation.
April 18th 2024

ESCC celebrated its 15th anniversary!
What an amazing celebration together with our dear members and guest of honour Christian Luiga.
It was great to learn about Mr Luigas connection to Estonia and thank you for the interesting presentation about Saab.
Thanks also to the Ambassador of Estonia Toomas Lukk for participating!
November 16th 2023

Svenskt Näringsliv
We had the opportunity to listen to interesting presentation about Svenskt Näringsliv and their role in Swedish market economy. Thank you René Bongard for attending and for the interactive session with our members!
October 19th 2023

NordicNinja VC
We met with Marek Kiisa at the Estonian Embassy, where he gave an inspiring overview of their investments in Nordic and Baltic startups. As they call the region: the Unicorn Factory.
June 9th 2023

ESCC Christmas Reception
We celebrated the coming Christmas season with our traditional reception at the Estonian Embassy. An afternoon filled with good cheer and stimulating conversation. Special thanks to our Ambassador, Margus Kolga.
December 2nd 2022

Meeting with Pär Nuder
It was our honour to host Pär Nuder at Estonian-Swedish Chamber of Commerce event at the Estonian Embassy in Stockholm. It was really inspiring to learn about his Estonian roots, background in politics and business, current engagements and views on Estonain-Swedish business relations.
Pär Nuder has served as Swedish Minister of Finance, Minister of Policy Coordination and as State Secretary and Chief of Staff to PM Göran Persson. As Senior Counselor at Albright Stonebridge Group he advises clients on financial trends primarily in Scandinavia and the Baltic.
September 30th 2022

ESCC summer event at the embassy
The chamber held its traditional summer business event at the embassy of Estonia. Our gracious host, ambassador Merle Pajula welcomed everyone to the last of the season, which is also her last event together with ESCC. Her term in Sweden comes to a close in June of this year.
Our guest speaker was Karolina Ullman from the Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Estonia. Having moved to Estonia 15 years ago, she gave a very personal and entertaining talk on the subject of whether or not she was now more Estonian or Swedish. The conclusion? Inconclusive!
Enjoy your summer and we'll see each other again in the autumn.
May 28th 2022

Business dinner with Taavi Rõivas and Annika Arras
ESCC had the honour of hosting former Prime Minister of Estonia, Taavi Rõivas and Annika Arras from Miltton Labs. Ms Arras introduced the initiative behind the New Nordics concept while Mr Rõivas provided insight about the results of the recent elections in Estonia. A memorable event and a full house!
April 11th 2022

An afternoon with the CEO of Tallink Group
We had the privilege, together with the embassy, to host the CEO of Tallink Group, Mr Paavo Nõgene. He told a delightful story of how he moved from being a light technician at Estonia's oldest state owned theatre, Vanemuine to becoming the CEO of Estonia's biggest company. After which guests had the opportunity to ask many quite pointed questions, all of which got a frank and concrete answer. With over 40 guests in attendance, it was a lively conversation that followed in the traditional mingle after the official event.
March 12th 2022

Christmas at the embassy
It was a full house at the Estonian Embassy in Stockholm when the Estochamber and Embassy held their annual Christmas reception. Thank you Ambassador Merle Pajula for your warm welcome, Piret Reinson for an interesting presentation about Estonia's image abroad. And of course thank you and Merry Christmas to all old and new members for your active participation!
December 6th 2018

Estochamber 10 yr anniversary
Estochamber celebrated it's 10 year anniversary in distinguished company. We were graced by the presence of Rainer Saks, Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Estonia and the ambassador of the Republic of Estonia to Sweden, Merle Pajula as well as Tiia Mõtus, head of economic affairs.
And of course our distinguished members. It was a fun filled and informative evening, hosted by our chairman, Rika Torm. Our founding member and honorary chairman Peter Aspe recalled for everyone how Estochamber got started while Rainer Saks provided an impressive overview of the importance of trade and economic relations, while serving the state.
November 14th 2018

Visit to Riksbanken
We had the opportunity to visit Riksbanken, for an introduction and overview of the e-krona project, as well as a tour. Turns out that Sveriges Riksbank is the world's oldest national bank, beating the English by 20 years!
Our tour was gracefully organised by Ann-Leena Mikiver, Communications Director. The presentation on the e-krona project was given by Gabriela Guibourg, Director, Payments department.
"The Swedish payment market is going through a very rapid digitalisation process. The demand and use of cash is among the lowest in the world. The cashless society is no longer an hypothetical possibility in a distant future. What is driving this development? What can the Riksbank do in this situation?"
It was a fascinating presentation and very lively and fun event, that culminated in traditional Swedish varm korv and a glass of wine. We were joined by our friends from the Lithuanian Professionals in Stockholm and member of the Latvian community.
Unfortunately, due the regulations surrounding Riksbank, we cannot publish any photos from the event.
August 29th 2018

Doing business in Sweden
In cooperation with Lithuanian Professionals in Stockholm (LPS) and the Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Latvia, the first "Doing Business in Sweden" conference was a resounding success. Five speakers covered the nitty-gritty of actually doing business in Sweden, not theoretically, but from personal experience.

Season ending event at the embassy
Thank you to the ambassador Merle Pajula and the embassy staff for the hospitality. A hearty cheers! and thanks to Arne Pajula for the Estonian (micro) beer history talk. And welcome to our new corporate member, The Baltic Horizon fund!

What is service design?
J. Margus Klaar of Brand Manual introduced attendees to the concept of service design, tracing its origins and emphasizing the critical importance of enhancing customer experiences to maintain a competitive edge.
He explained that the essence of service design lies in prioritizing the customer or user perspective, applying design thinking and a rigorous focus on improving service development and delivery. Essentially, it revolves around ensuring that products and services function in a manner that aligns with users' expectations, rather than expecting users to adapt to them.
This business event was organized through collaboration between the Estonian Swedish Chamber of Commerce, the Lithuanian Professionals in Stockholm, and the Investment and Development Agency of Latvia.
April 27th 2018

Pan-Baltic AW, vol. 2
Following the success of our first Pan-Baltic After Work, it was time to repeat the event. Attendees had the opportunity to reconnect with old friends, make new connections, engage in potential business ventures, and undoubtedly enjoy themselves.
The event was organized by three esteemed organizations: the Estonian-Swedish Chamber of Commerce, the Latvian Business Club, and the Lithuanian Professionals Club. It was conceived with the aim of fostering camaraderie and collaboration among members from across the Baltic region.
As before, the gathering took place at the Sheraton lobby bar, where attendees were once again entitled to a 10% discount on beverages.
March 8th 2018

Exclusive visit to Epicenter, Stockholm's first home of innovation
The hosts and speakers for the event were Mart Maasik, director of the SEB Innovation LAB, and Ola Ahlvarsson, co-founder of Epicenter. Ola introduced attendees to Epicenter, Stockholm’s first digital House of Innovation, situated at the core of Sweden’s digital landscape. Epicenter serves as a hub for innovation labs, including SEB's innovation program led by Mart. The partnership between SEB and Epicenter fosters a unique environment for the cross-pollination of ideas, facilitating a significantly faster development of new products and services compared to single-industry environments.
Mart provided insights into the distinct approaches of corporations and startups, emphasizing what each can learn from the other. He also discussed the methods for measuring innovation and explained why SEB had chosen to pursue this through its LAB.
Ola elucidated the philosophy and background of Epicenter, highlighting the increased importance of speed and collaboration in the new digital era to maintain or enhance competitive advantages.